The Floral Persona
With prickles to protect, a passionate scent to lure, a number of virgin velvet petals to charm, with a sweet nectar to drink, and a straight erected stalk; we can assign all these traits as the characteristics of Persona of Life.
We all were born as seeds in a clay pot. Grown in accordance with the nature of soil and atmosphere. We sprouted after the need of warmth. We became mature with water and healthy air. Our spikes developed after the first attack of winter’s frost, they evolved vigorously after the beginning of the snowflakes’ fall. With care, our colours brightened after we became a bush of leaves with the independent ability of preparing our own food. Then, when time came, we broke the solid clay pot to be moved with our original early days’ soil that raised us –into a new soil plot with more freedom of movement and a cooler atmosphere as intended. Later, we will be giving birth to new seeds in new pots with the same soil. To be again, The Persona of Life.
So true! I agree my friend. You are a great writer.